Looking for love Melbourne  27 sep 2017

a real long term relationship that will last forever

My name is timothy and im the first son of my dad and i got married and i gave birth to a lovely son name jerry and i had a grand son too, im separated from my wife cuz he cheated on me hmmmm im a God fearing type and i love to travel, meet new people, swimming, dancing, and lots of food and gym also.......

My type is athletics and my best features is gyming, cuddling, romatic songs, my cloth style are jeans and my short leaves or long leaves my conservative dont talk much.

Im seeking for a real long term relationship that will last forever, the most important is the she must be God fearing, humble, caring and she she should accept me with the way i am, their must be very cool and easy going someone, i love a lady with a good shape, romatic, she should be loyal in everything she does.......

